So much of what i do starts with making a square block.
In this case a perfect square block of Mahogany.
Takes awhile to do this, as you know?
I feel like I test my self every time I have to go through this simple process.
It is a meditation for us woodworkers, a familiar place to visit.
Face side, face edge, scribing thickness, saw and plane, repeat and check, etc.
I have chosen Mahogany for 3 reasons:
1. It is very stable and I had a piece perfect size awaiting...
2. It is clean and pleasent to work (an under-rated reason to work a wood!)
3. It will contrast nicely when working on Japanese White Oak.
Stamped with the addition of a non-slip piece of rubber matting, very handy...
This is how it is used.
Clamped across the body of the Dai, for the Tachi-Kanna (scraper plane)
to slide against, this ensures accurate sole relief.
It also means you can get very close the blade without damaging it.
This Kanna has a blade at 95 degrees, A2 Cyro, hold us well to abrasive scraping!