Sunday 22 July 2012

Students Work.

Well school is out for Summer now, the mad rush at the end to get projects finished is crazy. Other teachers often get a wind down but in my subject it is where it goes into over drive. This piece is a Docking Station made by a year 9 lad (he is 14) and is just well over the top. Loads of people started helping him as they all thought it was so cool and he is quite methodical so might not have got it completed otherwise. Some lunchtimes it was a mass team effort with 4 or so working on it!

It is based on a Japanese Tea House.
Made out of Iroko and Pine.

You cannot have complete control - for example I told him the speakers needed to be central on the sides, an even pine border around them - we went through this a few times and discussed why it was more visually appealing etc. Then I was off sick one day last week with a horrible chest infection (now given it to me 3 year old which brought on acute asthma - so he is VERY ill now) and when I came back in it looked like this - oh well! its still brill....

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