I feel guilty so must put it too rest.
I started this blog for many reasons,
but to share and document my making was the primary.
So now I am packing my life into boxes, to move into rented,
while I do up a shell of a house (and workshop)
I wonder......what have I got to go on the blog now?
For example everything you see on the wall in this image
has all gone now, bare as a baby's bum it is.
I was a dedicated smoker for many years.
I always wanted to follow my Grandads example....
Have a workshop full of tobacco tins of interesting things.
The minute I could afford to buy tins of tobacco - used to cost me a £10, I was off.
I like the subtlety of the health warning in the old tins.
The newer ones ain't so pretty - ''YOU WILL DIE AND IT WILL HURT!''
Anyway been off the baccy for a long time now.
Glad I kept the tins - plenty more where these came from.
So what can I document now?
How long will I be away?
I reckon it will be a year (ahhh minimum) before my workshop is in order.
By that I mean the position where I might start
contemplating making non-important things like tools I do not need
and pretty boxes and twirly carvings.
Most of my time will be spent making things I do need.
Like a workshop, 75% bigger.
Safe, secure and nice house.
A Library and dens for my boys.
Oh yea I have this amazing idea.
It is called the 'RETREAT'
This is in the 5 year plan.
This is all a little too personal for the blog I wanted to write.
Do I show some empty pictures of this house?
Maybe some scary ones of the new house?
But I will come back, I promise.
I am continually amazed at how many hits come my way.
Considering I do not sell or advertise that is!
Thanks to those who have asked after me.
It is just the Blog does not seem to fit in with my Life now.