My nan was 100 years old recently.
For some reason I then decided I would carve 100 spoons.
Some kind of celebration or punishment I am not sure.
My mum cut down one of her apple trees,
So they are all Apple or Birch.
Sometimes I see potential in the fire wood,
for that is where all my birch comes from!
I am up to about 40 at the moment...
I have decided doing them completely by axe, knife and spoon carving blade
is just being silly - so my Bandsaw has started to help me rough out now.
What medieval mentality had I slipped into?
I mean how else am I going to get them done?
It is nice carving with an axe mind you.
I suppose I like the idea that if you make 100 of something,
you really get to understand that object.
How many times have you made 100 of something?
I used to say I trained as a furniture maker,
I mean that is what I did at University,
but how many chairs have I made?
3 or 4 I think - lots of stools,
I wonder how many stools make a chair?
On a much deeper level, one beyond explanation perhaps,
where the feel of the flow of the tools and hands
is stored and shelved and used to judge
giving pleasure to simple things...
Both my boys have their breakfast with wooden spoons now,
they really did like those birthday presents,
while they don't use the others anymore...